Chris Cab is a character with a lot of personality. His open and easy going attitude reflects in his skate style. With his hometown boasting one of the best skateparks in Europe, The Cradle, his roots are dug firmly into old school, skating mainly bowls and vert. Now things are moving for him in a slightly different direction with the release of a his own designed skateboard and the beginnings of his new company, Wasted Youth Skateboards.
Chris Cab
Date of Birth:
23rd of January 1982
Austrian / South African
Alpbach Valley / Brixen
VANS, Wasted Youth Skateboards, Skullcandy, Electric & X-Double Shop
Favourite board:
Wasted Youth Splatter Plank
Favourite spot:
Washington Street & The Cradle
Website: (currently under maintenance)
Other sports do you participate in?
What are “Sports”?
How did you get involved in skateboarding?
Skateboarding got hold of me, when I was around 10… 😉
What motivates you to skate:
The inner drive, the hunger to skate every day, feel the pain, dedication and passion. Those are the things that motivate me…
Who or what are your influences:
Dogs, Wife, Parents, Wasted Youth Crew, Thrasher, too many to name…
You have just released your own skateboard. How did this come about?
I was tired of begging for boards at Black Label, so I asked my homie Adi from the XDouble Shop in Innsbruck, if he was down to do a shop model with my shape and my design ideas… He was down and they sell very well… I am stoked for I am riding exactly what I want!
Austria is better known for its skiers and snowboarders. What is it like for skating?
We have the 1st cradle in the World, one of the best parks in Europe if not the best! Since Dreamland poured ‘crete in Tirol, there have been bowls and pools popping out left and right in Austria. So I think it is pretty cool if you down with transitions. Street skate wise, I have no clue, gotta ask someone else.
Favourite trick at the moment:
Favourite trick, must be the invert but all time it will be the frontside rock….
Best Moment:
You gotta be kiddin’ me… Waaaaaay too many to count!!! But surely every time I learn a new trick or ride out something big… 😉
Worst Moment:
Same, same but different. But again, surely every time I get hurt badly…
Plans for the future:
Get my skateboard sales from my company ”Wasted Youth” up and running so I can travel again, but real plans…… none. Taking it day by day. The only thing I know, is that my wife and I will be moving into a little farmhouse by the woods, where I can finally build my own concrete wonderland and live a happy life…
Last Words or anything you would like to add:
Rollerblading sucks, Skateboarding is everything, Viva lá WASTED YOUTH!!!
See more skateboarding shots here
Makes me proud to read this…Christian you will always have my love and support in all you aim to achieve and I wish you all the luck in the world!
With my love and admiration, Your Mom XOXO
Hey cabby,… where did you learn those oldschooltrixx???? who teached you to do them so well,…??? must be a tuff guy,… ohhh it was me!!!!
mega LOL!!!! sk8 on ,…. greetz: str8cut